Why Use Email Marketing?

Email Marketing helps you connect with your audience to promote your brand and increase sales. With a successful email marketing campaign, you can do a lot of things, like share news, sell products and services or tell a story.

And what is the most important thing, email marketing is the most cost efficient way to grow.

According to a study by Campaign Monitor, for every $1 spent on email marketing $44 is made in return.People who buy products advertised through email campaigns spend 138% more than people who do not receive email offers.

With Email marketing you can:

  • Builds Customer Loyalty
  • Expands Your Business’s Reach
  • Adjust Communication for Different Audiences

Are you using this amazing tool in your digital strategy?

Our Email Campaign Services

Get Email Campaigns accommodated for Your Needs!

Professionally Designed Email Templates

Our designer will create a perfect template specified for each campaign goal.

Creative content that will turn readers into loyal customers

Every piece of content will be personalized telling your targeted audience exactly what they want to hear.  

Growing Your Email Newsletter List

By optimizing your pages, we encourage your visitor to sign up for your Newsletter service thus growing your email list.

Email testing

With Email split testing, we send 2 different versions of your email to 2 different sample groups from email list. The email which receives the most opens and clicks will be sent out to the rest of your subscribers. With our testing services we your metrics, get to know your audience and find out the best way to increase your conversions and generate sales.

Detailed reporting

In order to understand whether marketing strategy is going in a good direction and to further improve them, we conduct detailed reporting. Report includes open rates, traffic referred to your website, sales/leads etc. We can even integrate email campaigns with your Google Analytics to provide deeper insight into how the recipients interact with your website.